Missouri Medicaid Annual Renewals Resume in April 2023
In Case You Missed It:
The Family Support Division will resume processing renewals and redetermining eligibility on all Medicaid enrollees on April 1st, 2023.
According to the Director of Missouri's Medicaid Program, "about 200,000 Medicaid enrollees are expected to lose coverage over the course of the year as a result of the state resuming annual eligibility renewals after a 3 year pause for the COVID-19 pandemic".
To make sure you stay covered, here's a few things to keep in mind as the state begins eligibility checks:
Check Your Mail
If you get Missouri Medicaid (MO HealthNet), keep an eye out for an official letter from the Family Support Division and complete the steps keep your healthcare coverage.
Update Address
Have you moved in the last 3 years? Update your mailing address at mydss.mo.gov.
No Longer Eligible For Medicaid?
If you lose Medicaid coverage, please contact us! We can help you find creditable coverage so you are insured!
Source: https://missouriindependent.com/2023/02/02/200000-missourians-estimated-to-lose-medicaid-as-eligibility-renewals-resume/
Need Creditable Coverage?
Losing Missouri Medicaid coverage or looking into other coverage options? We can help with that!